Wednesday, August 13, 2008


One day you can understand what I am talking . At that day my language will be yours . Your language will be mine . And our language will be theirs . So I am not speaking the world language but the world (is) will speak(ing) my language. That is why I am telling that you are the proud citizen of 'The one world'.
So when I think 'one' you,...... you also have to think ..................ONE.
When I am one you are also one.
When we are one; they are not one. 'WE' are one..................................................................
........................................ So think 'one'.
ഞാന്‍ ഒന്നാകുമ്പോള്‍ നീയും ഒന്നാകുന്നു .
ഒന്നാകുമ്പോള്‍ ; അവര് ഒന്നല്ല . 'നമ്മള്‍' ആണ് ഒന്നാകുന്നത്
.................................... അതെ 'ഏകം' എന്ന് ചിന്തിക്കു .

1 comment:

ഫസല്‍ ബിനാലി.. said...

One day you can understand what I am talking . At that day my language will be yours . Your language will be mine . And our language will be thei